The design and construction of Shirley Smith High School uses best-practice design principles and contemporary facilities and features to enable flexible and inclusive teaching and learning for all students and staff. With a strong focus on sustainability and wellbeing, Shirley Smith High School provides a comfortable, safe and practical school environment.
The Shirley Smith High School’s new high-quality general and specialist indoor and outdoor learning areas use natural light, modern facilities and adaptable learning environments to provide safe, effective and engaging learning areas so all students, including students with specialised needs, can thrive.
The specially designed learning environments allow teachers to provide flexible, engaging and innovative teaching to help ensure students have the best learning opportunities possible.
High-quality sports and activity areas include a double gymnasium, covered hard courts for netball and basketball, and an oval for soccer, rugby, and rugby league games. A multipurpose hall can be used for student performances, school events and celebrations.
Landscaped outdoor areas use native plantings, specially designed seating and a mix of paved and grassed spaces to provide comfortable, relaxing and welcoming areas that encourage students to gather and interact or find their quiet place.
The environmentally sustainable design and construction using sustainable materials, air permeability membranes and a solar power generation system help the school contribute to the ACT Government’s zero-emissions target.
The buildings, outdoor areas and landscaping are designed to connect the school with the surrounding nature reserve and heritage track and the strong cultural significance of the region.
Recent upgrades to nearby roads including Albatross Crescent, new footpaths and bike paths along Albatross Crescent and Well Station Drive, ample parking and convenient access to bus and light rail public transport, allow students and families easy and safe access to school.
For information about the recent upgrades, visit:
Community and sporting groups can hire and use many of the school’s facilities. More information about hiring the facilities is available on the ‘Hiring school facilities’ page on this site.